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construction machinery

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We offer a wide range of industrial machinery which includes Pole drilling machine and Pole erection machine. Surya International manufactures industrial machinery which delivers optimum results even in harsh working conditions. The absolute precision drives higher efficiency than common similar machines out there in the market.

Pole drilling machine

Pit making machine or Pit digging machine as you can say is ground hole digging machines. They help to dig a hole into the ground. Surya International pit making machines are available in different sizes. They are completely customizable into any tractors as per customers need. For larger loads, extensions can be added to dig further. We provide complete installation and service upon delivery. Check below for product details and further inquiry.

Pole erection machine

A Pole Erection machine is used to lift a pole and place it in the pit dug for it. The pit is generally dug with the help of pit making machine. Surya International is a leading manufacturer and supplier of pole erection machine. The pole erection extensions are customizable and can be connected with any tractors.

Product Description

Surya International is one of the dominant manufacturers of construction machinery in India.

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